Thursday, July 2, 2015


1.    Air moves into the lungs because
A.      the thorax is muscular.
B.      the gas pressure in the lungs becomes less than outside pressure as the diaphragm contracts.
C.      the volume of the lungs decreases with inspiration.
D.      contraction of the diaphragm decreases the volume of the pleural cavity.
E.       the internal intercostals muscles decrease the thoracic cavity volume.

ANSWER : the gas pressure in the lungs becomes less than outside pressure as the diaphragm contracts.
2.    Alveolar ventilation rate is
A.      the utilization of oxygen by alveolar cells to support metabolism.
B.      the movement of air into and out of the alveoli during a particular time.
C.      less than pulmonary ventilation due to dead space.
D.      the movement of dissolved gases from the alveoli to the blood.
E.       movement of dissolved gases from the blood to the alveoli.
ANSWER : the movement of air into and out of the alveoli during a particular time.

3.    Hemoglobin has a tendency to release oxygen where
A.      partial pressures of oxygen are higher.
B.      pH is more alkaline.
C.      pH is more acidic.
D.      partial pressures of carbon dioxide are lower.
E.       temperature is lower.
ANSWER : pH is more acidic.

4.         In the alveoli, the partial pressure of oxygen is
A.      equal with that in the tissues.
B.      much higher than the PO2 for arterial blood.
C.      the same as PO2 for venous blood.
D.      about 104 mmHg.
E.       lower than the PO2 of venous blood.
ANSWER : about 104 mmHg

5.    Most of the carbon dioxide transported by the blood is
A.      dissolved in plasma.
B.      bound to the same protein as carbon dioxide.
C.      bound to hemoglobin.
D.      converted to bicarbonate ions and transported in plasma.
E.       carried by white blood cells.
ANSWER : converted to bicarbonate ions and transported in plasma.

6.    The elastic cartilage that shields the opening to the larynx during swallowing is the
A.      thyroid cartilage.
B.      corniculate cartilage.
C.      cricoid cartilage.
D.      epiglottis.
E.       cuneiform cartilage.
ANSWER : epiglottis.

7.    The movement of air into and out of the lungs is called
A.      external respiration.
B.      pulmonary ventilation.
C.      oxidative phosphorylation.
D.      internal respiration.
E.       cellular respiration.
ANSWER : pulmonary ventilation.

8.    This tissue lines the trachea.
A.      Simple squamous epithelium
B.      Stratified squamous epithelium
C.      Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
D.      Areolar connective tissue
E.       Hyaline cartilage
ANSWER : Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

9.    Which respiratory measurement is normally the greatest?
A.      Inspiratory capacity
B.      Residual volume
C.      Expiratory reserve volume
D.      Vital capacity
E.       Tidal volume
ANSWER : Vital capacity

10. Which respiratory structure has the smallest diameter?
A.      Bronchiole
B.      Pharynx
C.      Larynx
D.      Bronchi
E.       Trachea
ANSWER : -Bronchiole

11. Involuntary hyperventilation during an anxiety attack may cause the person to become faint due to
A.      increased temperature due to increased intercostals muscle activity.
B.      decreasing O2 levels in the blood causing cells to NOT have enough ATP.
C.      effects of increased O2 levels in the blood and consequent constriction of cerebral blood vessels.
D.      lowering CO2 levels in the blood and consequent constriction of cerebral blood vessels.
E.       Increasing CO2 levels due to increase in cellular respiration, reducing brain perfusion and causing ischemia
ANSWER : lowering CO2 levels in the blood and consequent constriction of cerebral blood vessels.

12. Which of the following gases has no effect in the blood until hyperbaric conditions occur (as in SCUBA diving when one stays down too long at great depths), then a condition called ""rapture of the deep"" occurs, producing a narcotic-like effect as this gas interacts with other blood chemicals?
A.      Oxygen
B.      Nitrogen
C.      Carbon dioxide
D.      Helium
E.       Carbon monoxide
ANSWER : Nitrogen

13. Which of the following terms describes the increase in depth and force of breathing that occurs during vigorous exercise?
A.      Hyperventilation
B.      Hyperapnea
C.      Hypercapnia
D.      Hypoxia
E.       Anoxia
ANSWER : Hyperapnea

14. About 20% of carbon dioxide is transported in the blood as
A.      dissolved gas in the plasma.
B.      hydrogen ions.
C.      bicarbonate ions.
D.      carbaminohemoglobin.
E.       oxyhemoglobin.
ANSWER : carbaminohemoglobin.

15. Which of the following controls the respiratory rate?
A.      Medulla
B.      Pons
C.      Alveolar sacs
D.      Cerebral cortex
E.       Spinal cord
ANSWER : Medulla

16. Which of the following is NOT a direct function of the respiratory system?
A.      Internal respiration
B.      Contraction of the diaphragm
C.      External respiration
D.      Inspiration
E.       Expiration
ANSWER : Internal respiration

17. Which of the following is NOT a function of the conducting zone?
A.      Cleansing of air
B.      Warming of air
C.      Gas exchange
D.      Transport of air
E.       Mucous secretion
ANSWER : Gas exchange

18. Which of the following functions is not performed by the respiratory system?
A.      internal respiration
B.      external respiration
C.      breathing
D.      pulmonary ventilation
E.       Gas exchange
ANSWER : internal respiration

19. The philtrum of the nose is the part that is located
A.      on the anterior margin.
B.      between the eyebrows.
C.      inferior to the apex.
D.      superior to the alae.
ANSWER : inferior to the apex.

20. The tubular tonsils arch over the opening to the
A.      layryngopharynx
B.      pharyngotympanic tubes.
C.      nasopharynx.
D.      oropharynx.
ANSWER : pharyngotympanic tubes.

21. The ____________ cartilage is connected to the vocal cords.
A.      corniculate
B.      thyroid
C.      cuneiform
D.      cricoid
ANSWER : corniculate

22. Which of the following statements about voice production is incorrect?
A.      The glottis is wide when deep tones are produced.
B.      The larynx enlarges in males during puberty.
C.      The more tense the vocal cords, the higher the pitch.
D.      Loudness of voice depends on the size of the vocal cords.
ANSWER : Loudness of voice depends on the size of the vocal cords.

23.     Which of the following is not a function of the trachealis muscle?
A.      It prevents the trachea from collapsing and keeps it patent despite the pressure changes that take place during breathing.
B.      It allows the esophagus to expand anteriorly when food is swallowed.
C.      It decreases the diameter during expiration to expel air with a greater force.
D.      It helps expel mucus during coughing.
ANSWER : It prevents the trachea from collapsing and keeps it patent despite the pressure changes that take place during breathing

24. The smallest subdivision of the lung that is visible to the naked eye is the
A.      bronchiole.
B.      lobe.
C.      alveolus.
D.      lobule.
ANSWER : lobule.

25. An example of an enzyme located in the lung capillary membrane that acts on material in the blood is
A.      prostoglandins.
B.      renin
C.      angiotensin converting enzyme.
D.      interferon.
ANSWER : angiotensin converting enzyme.

26.______________ pressure keeps the air spaces in the lung opened.
A.      Intrapulmonary
B.      Transpulmonary
C.      Intrapleural
D.      Atmospheric
ANSWER : Transpulmonary

27.Which of the following conditions would not cause atelectasis?
A.      plugging of bronchioli
B.      a chest wound that perforates the pleura and allows air into the pleural cavity
C.      after pneumonia
D.      smoking
ANSWER : smoking

28.Airway resistance is insignificant in relationship to gas flow because
A.      as the airways get smaller they branch more which results in a huge total cross-sectional area.
B.      the gas flow stops in the medium-sized bronchioles and diffusion takes over; therefore, airway resistance is no longer an issue.
C.      in the respiratory system the airway resistance is not related to the diameter of the conducting tubes.
D.      the blood flow is very high in comparison to the viscosity of air.
ANSWER : as the airways get smaller they branch more which results in a huge total cross-sectional area.

29.All of the following would diminish lung compliance except
A.      tuberculosis.
B.      increase in the production of surfactant.
C.      an increase in alveolar surface tension.
D.      chronic inflammation.
ANSWER : increase in the production of surfactant.

30.The transpulmonary pressure is the difference between the ____________ and the __________ pressure.
A.      intrapulmonary; intrapleural
B.      intrapleural; alveolar
C.      atmospheric; intrapulmonary
D.      atmospheric; intrapleural
ANSWER : intrapulmonary; intrapleural

31.Which of the following conditions would not decrease the total respiratory compliance?
A.      thorax deformities
B.      paralysis of the intercostal muscles
C.      increase in lung compliance
D.      calcification of the coastal cartilages
ANSWER : increase in lung compliance

32. Which of the following non-respiratory movements would ventilate all of the alveoli?
A.      crying
B.      sneezing
C.      yawning
D.      hiccups
ANSWER : yawning

33.All of the following would be caused by breathing excessively high concentrations of oxygen for a long period of time except
A.      coma.
B.      production of huge amounts of free radicals.
C.      increased mental function.
D.      oxygen toxicity.
ANSWER : increased mental function.

34.Which of the following would not directly decrease the alveolar surface involved in gas exchange?
A.      emphysema
B.      smoking
C.      tumors of the lung
D.      inflammatory products
ANSWER : smoking

35._____ secreted by endothelium of blood vessel is a well known vasodilator.
A.      CO2
B.      CO
C.      NO
D.      HCO3

36. Which of the following non-respiratory movements is caused by irritation of the diaphragm?
A.      hiccups
B.      crying
C.      coughing
D.      laughing
ANSWER : hiccups

37. The dorsal respiratory group
A.      extends from the brain stem.
B.      is a rhythm generating center.
C.      ends at the pons-medullary junction.
D.      is located dorsally at the root of cranial nerve IX.
ANSWER : is located dorsally at the root of cranial nerve IX.

38. The pontine respiratory group is responsible for all of the following functions except
A.      regulating and modifying the activity of the medullary neurons.
B.      stimulating the contraction of the diaphragm.
C.      causing apneustic breathing if it is damaged.
D.      smoothing out the transition from inspiration to expiration.
ANSWER : stimulating the contraction of the diaphragm.

39. Which of the following statements best describes the mechanism of normal breathing patterns?
A.      It is set by two sets of pacemakers that inhibit each other.
B.      It is set by two sets of pacemakers that excite each other.
C.      It is set by a single pacemaker that stimulates inspiration.
D.      It is set by a single pacemaker that stimulates expiration.
ANSWER : It is set by two sets of pacemakers that inhibit each other.

40. Which of the following would not be found in a "blue bloater"?
A.      pulmonary hypertension
B.      loss of weight
C.      cyanosis
D.      right-sided heart failure

ANSWER : loss of weight

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Materi paling akhir biologi SMA yang aplikasi diharapkan bisa menambah semangat setidaknya mengerjakan soal bioteknologi atau untuk keinginan mau melanjutkan kemana setelah jagoan biologi OK

1.  Which one is a true statement regarding DNA polymerase used in PCR?
A It is isolated from a virus
B It remains active at high temperature
C It is used to ligate introduced DNA in recipient cells
D It serves as a selectable marker

2. Which one of the following is a case of wrong matching?
A Micropropagation-In vitro production of plants in large numbers
B Callus - Unorganized mass of cells produced in tissue culture
C Somatic hybridization - Fusion of two diverse cells
D Vector DNA - Site for t-RNA synthesis

3. Which part would be most suitable for raising virus-free plants for micropropagation?
A Meristem
B Node
C Bark
D Vascular tissue

4. For transformation, micro-particles coated with DNA to be bombarded with gene gun are made up of
A Silicon or Platinum
B GOLDor Tungsten
C Silver or Platinum
D Platinum or Zinc

5. The figure below is the diagrammatic representation of the E.coli vector pBR 322. Which one of the given options correctly identifies its certain component(s)? 
A Hind III, EcoRI-selectable markers
B ampR, tetR-antibiotic resistance genes
C ori-original restriction enzyme
D rop-reduced osmotic pressure

6. The linking of antibiotic resistance gene with the plasmid vector became possible with:
A Endonucleases
B DNA ligase
C Exonucleases
D DNA polymerase

7. In plant biotechnology, PEG is used in
A Protoplast fusion
B Cell culture preparation
C Protoplast isolation
D Hardening

8. Polyethylene glycol method is used for
A Energy production from sewage
B Gene transfer without a vector
C Biodiesel production
D Seedless fruit production

9. Genetic engineering has been successfully used for producing
A Transgenic models for studying new treatments for certain cardiac diseases
B Transgenic mice for testing safety of polio vaccine before use in humans
C Animals like bulls for farm work as they have super power
D Transgenic Cow-Rosie which produces high fat milk for making ghee

10. Restriction endonucleases:
A Are synthesized by bacteria as part of their defense mechanism
B Are used for in vitro DNA synthesis
C Are used in genetic engineering for ligation of two DNA molecules
D Are present in mammalian cells for degradation of DNA when the cell dies

11. Which of the following enzymes are used to join bits of DNA?
A DNA polymerase
B Primase
C Ligase
D Endonuclease

12. Which one of the following bacteria has found extensive use in genetic engineering work in plants?
A Bacillus coagulans
B Xanthomonas citri
C Clostridium septicum
D Agrobacterium tumefaciens

13. Restriction endonuclease
A Restricts the synthesis of DNA inside the nucleus
B Cuts the DNA molecule at specific sites
C Cuts the DNA molecule randomly
D Synthesizes DNA

14. Plasmid has been used as vector because :
A Both ends show replication
B It can move between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
C It is circular DNA which have capacity to join to eukaryotic DNA
D It has antibiotic resistance gene

15. A genetically engineered micro-organism used successfully in bioremediation of oil spills is a species of
A Trichoderma
B Pseudomonas
C Bacillus
D Xanthomonas



1. A dividing and undifferentiated mass of cells is called
A Callus
B Embryo
C Explant
D Zygote

2. Advancement in genetic engineering has been possible due to the discovery of
A Oncogenes
B Transposons
C Restriction endonuclease
D Exonucleases

3. Agarose extracted from sea weeds finds use in
A Gel electrophoresis
B Spectrophotometry
C Tissue culture

4. Continuous addition of sugars in 'fed batch' fermentation is done to
A Degrade sewage
B Produce methane
C Obtain antibiotics
D Purify enzymes

5. Which purine is found in RNA?
A Guanine
B Cytosine
C Thymine
D Uracil

6. DNA fingerprinting was discovered by
A James Watson
B Alec Jeffreys
C Frederick Fanger
D Hargobind Khorana

7. DNA is found in
A Chromosomes
B Plastids
C Mitochondria
D All of the above

8. Dolly, The first cloned mammal, was produced by
A Parthenogenesis
B Artificial fertilization
C Replacement of zygote nucleus by somatic nucleus
D in vitro fertilization

9. Embryo culture is used for
A Establishing suspension culture
B Recovery of inter specific hybrids
C  Somatic hybridization
D Haploid production

10. First artificial gene was synthesized by
A Nirenberg
B Mendel
C Morgan
D Khorana

11. Genetic Engineering is
A plastic surgery
B addition or removal of genes
C study of extranuclear genes
D all of the above

12. Genomics is the study of
A Genes in general
B Human genes
C Genomes in general
D Human genome

13. Given below is a sample of a portion of DNA strand giving the base sequence on the opposite strands. What is so special shown in it? 5' ______ GAATTC ________ 3' 3' _____CTTAAG ________ 5'

A Palindromic sequence of base pairs
B Replication completed
C Deletion mutation
D Start codon at the 5' end

14. Maximum number of existing transgenic animals is of
A Pig
B Fish
C Mice
D Cow

15. One of the following processes involves southern blotting technique
A rDNA technology
B DNA finger printing
C production of transgenic plants
D formation of suspension culture



1. Pada prinsipnya bioteknologi merupakan penerapan organisme hidup atau komponen seluluernya untuk menghasilkan barang dan jasa. Yang tidak termasuk organisme hidup untuk bioteknologi adalah....
A. bakteri
B. khamir
C. kapang
D. ganggang
E. manusia

2. Senyawa penting berupa metabolit sekunder yang diproduksi melalui bioteknologi dan berguna bagi bidang kesehatan adalah...
A. enzim
B. antibiotik
C. pigmen
D. vitamin
E. asam organik

3.Mikroorganisme yang digunakan dalam proses bioteknologi harus memiliki sifat-sifat tertentu, diantaranya...
A. memerlukan persyaratan niterisi tidak rumit
B. memiliki pruduktivitas yang tinggi serta sifat yang srabil.
C. tidak menghasilkan racun atau toksin sampingan yang membahayakan manusia atau lingkungan.
D. tidak merupakan mikroba patogen yang membahayakan.
E. menghasilkan produk yang bersifat alergen

4. Teknik-teknik yang digunakan untuk memanipulasi sifat organisme unggul di antaranya melalui...
A. teknik mutasi
B. kultur sel
C. kultur jaringan
D. transplantasi organ
E. teknik rekayasa genetik.

5. Alkohol dapat dibuat dengan bahan baku . murah yang berupa limbah pabrik gula yang disebut....
A. molase
B. bagase
C. nira
D. tailing
E. serat

6. Biomassa mikroba yang akan dipanen sebagai produk bioteknologi dapat ditemukan pada industri..
A. protein sel tunggal
B. obat-obatan
C. asam organik
D. susu fermentasi
E. enzim

7. Tahap-tahap kloning gen insulin dari manusia adalah sebagai berikut :
(1) isolasi gen insulin
(2) penyisipan DNA donor ke dalam vektor plasmid;
(3) pemotongan DNA menggunakan enzim restriksi endonuklease
(4) transformasi DNA ke dalam sel bakteri;
(5) deteksi gen insulin apakah mampu diekspresikan oleh bakteri.
Urutan pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan adalah....
A.   (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (5)
B.   (1) - (3) - (2) - (4) - (5)
C.   (1) - (5) - (3) - (4) - (2)
D.   (5) - (4) - (3) - (2) - (1)
E.   (4) - (5) - (1) - (2) - (3)

8. Pengembangan bioteknologi, terutama teknologi rekayasa genetik, memerlukan penguasaan bidang ilmu, khususnya....
A. biokimia
B. biologi molekuler
C. mikrobiologi
D. genetika
E. elektronika dan instrumentasi

9. Proses kloning domba Dolly secara garis besar adalah sebagai berikut :
- sel ambing seekor domba diisolasi, kemudian diambil inti selnya;
- inti sel dimasukkan ke dalam sel telur domba lain yang telah dibuang intinya;
- sel telur tadi kemudian dipelihara di laboratorium sampai tahap tertentu
- embrio yang terbentuk ditanam ke dalam uterus domba sampai saatnya dilahirkan
Karena tanpa melalui fertilisasi, domba yang dilahirkan dari proses kloning ini memiliki sifat...
A. haploid
B. diploid
C. triploid
E. tidak tentu

10. Kecap dan tauco yang merupakan produk makanan hasil bioteknologi konvensional dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam.....
A. produk makanan bergizi
B. produk makanan hasil fermentasi
C. produk makanan hasil fermentasi alkohol
D. produk penyedap makanan
E. produk transgenik.

11. Nata d coco merupakan produk hasil fermentasi air kelapa oleh bakteri Acetobacter xylinum. Nata sebenarnya adalah....
A. selulosa
B. lemak
C. protein
D. amilum
E. asam nukleat.

12. Kelompok bakteri asam laktat yang tidak dipakai dalam industri fermentasi adalah....
A. Lactobacillus bulgaricus
B. Lactobacillus brevis
C. Streptococcus lactis
D. Streptococcus thermophilus
E. Streptococcus pneumonia

13. Tanaman tahan hama yang mampu menghasilkan racun yang dapat membunuh hama ulat dibuat  dibuat dengan cara gen cry dari bakteri....
A. Bacillus thuringiensis
B. Agrobacterium tumifaciens
C. Streptococcus thermophillus
D. Staphylococcus aureus
E. Bacillus liquifaciens

14. Enzim yang digunakan pada industri detergen adalah....
A. Enzim lipase, penghasilnya Mucor sp
B. Enzim pektinase , penghasilnya Aspergillus niger
C. enzim protease alkalis, penghasinya Bacillus licheniformis
D. Enzim protease netral, penghasilnya Bacillus amyloliquifaciens
E. Enzim protease asam, penghasilnya Mucor miebei

15. Mikroba yang tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai penyubur tanah, misalnya.....
A. bakteri penambat nitrogen
B. bakteri pelarut fosfat
C. mikoriza
D. bakteri nitrifikasi
E. bakteri denitrofikasi

16. Dalam usaha mengklon protein manusia, material dari sel manusia dimasukkan ke dalam sel bakteri. Material yang berasal dari sel manusia adalah....
A. segmen DNA yang mengkode mRNA yang ditranskripsi
B. rRNA dan tRNA yang digunakan selama proses translasi
C. protein yang mentranskripsi mRNA di initi sel.
D. protein mRNA yang ditemukan di sitoplasma
E. intron yang dilepaskan dari protein mRNA yang ditranskripsi dan belum diproses.

17. Produksi insulin dengan cara menyisipkan gen manusia penghasil insulin ke dalam sel bakteri dapat dicapai melalui proses....
A. transformasi
B. rekayasa genetika
C. kloning
D. transduksi
E. translokasi

18. Bioteknologi memungkinkan manusia memindahkan sifat-sifat organnisme yang satu keorganisme yang lainnya, meskipun berbeda tingkat klasifikasinya. Teknologi ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan sarana....
A. sel kanker dan plasmid
B. sel kanker dan virus
C. plasmid dan virus
D. virus dan bakteri
E. bakteri dan sel kanker

19. Berikut yang berhubungan dengan organisme transgenik adalah....
A. bakteri yang menerima gen melalui konjugasi
B. manusia yang menerima gen pembekuan darah
C. tanaman paku yang tumbuh dalam kultur sel dari satu sel akar paku
D. tikus dengan gen hemoglobin kelinci
E. manusia yang menerima insulin yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri.

20. Bioteknologi yang diterapkan untuk mengubah dan meningkatkan nilai tambah pangan baru dengan bantuan mikroba dan produksi bioteknologi yang dihasilkan. Hubungan ini ditunjukkan oleh....
               Mikroba                         Produk Bioteknologi
A.     Acetobacter xylinum            keju lunak
B.     Candida utilis                       tempe
C.     Rhizopus oligosporus           protein sel tunggal
D.     Lactobacillus bulgaricus      yoghurt
E.     Penicillium camemberti        nata d coco

21. Berikut ini merupakan peran bioteknologi dalam pembiakan logam :
(1) Thiobacillus fero-ixidans tumbuh pada lingkungan yang mengandung zat-zat organik
(2) Thiobacillus fero-ixidans adalah salah satu spesies kemolitotrof
(3) Bakteri kemolitotrof memperoleh energi dari oksidasi zat-zat organik
(4) Para penambang mineral melakukan pembiakan Thiobacillus fero-ixidans untuk memisahkan logam murni.
Pernyataan yang benar adalah...
A. 1 dan 2
B. 1 dan 3
C. 1 dan 4
D. 2 dan 3
E. 2 dan 4

22. Bioteknologi, tidak selalu aman bagi lingkungan. Tanaman hasil rekayasa transgenik juga dikhawatirkan menimbulkan racun terhadap lingkungan karena......
A. membutuhkan banyak pestisida untuk membunuh hama
B. tanah menjadi tandus akibat pemakaian pupuk kimia
C. Bakteri dan jamur pembusuk meningkat jumlahnya.
D. terjadinya pencemaran gen bila menyerbuki tanaman sejenis.
E. tibulnya wabah penyakit baru yang sulit diobati

23. Suatu perkebunan membutuhkan tanaman yang memiliki kemampuan atau daya tahan terhadap penyakit dan hama. Bioteknologi yang dapat dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut adalah dengan membuat....
A. kloning dan transfer inti
B. tanaman transgenik
C. kultur jaringan
D. kloning embrio
E. hibridoma

24. Perhatikan data di bawah ini !
         Jenis Jamur                    Produksi                Peran bagi manusia
1.     Aspergillus                     A. alkohol              P. racun
2.     Saccharomyces               B. aflatoksin          Q. antibodi
3.     Rhizopus                         C. sake                   R. minuman
Dari tabel di atas yang menunjukkan hubungan yang benar antara jenis jamur, produksi dan perannya bagi manusia adalah....
A.   1 - B - P
B.   1 - B - R
C.   2 - A - P
D.   2 - B - P
E.   3 - C - P

25. Peranan gen asing di bawah ini merupakan keberhasilan rekayasa genetika, kecuali....
A. yang dimasukkan melalui plasmid terekspresi pada tumbuhan atau hewan transgenik
B. yang dimasukkan melalui plasmid akan terintegrasi dengan genom dan tanaman target
C. berkombinasi dengan genom yang terdapat dalam inti
D. turut replikasi pada tanaman atau hewan transgenik
E. mempertahankan ekspresi gen target.



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